Cooling system savings are achieved in several ways.
RTA provides chemicals for cooling towers in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. See Custom Chemicals.
We also provide consultation for customers at a distance anywhere in the USA for other cooling system savings items below. SeeService at a Distance.
Select from below several cooling system savings tips that can result in large and small savings in operational dollars.
Many cooling system savings are possible with modifications of your cooling system.
Cooling System Savings Listed Below
Water Cycles-Makeup Reduction Savings in Chemical and Water
Change once through cooling to 2 cycle changes-This action results in 50% savings
Change 2 cycles to 3 cycles-This further action results in an additional 16% savings
Change 3 cycles to 4 cycles-This additional action results in an additional 9% savings
System Configuration / Recirculating Pump Run Time Reduction
A hot well/cold well system can save recirculating pump time.
Sewer Charge Reduction Cooling System Savings
Install a water meter on the system discharge to the sewer as well as to the makeup to the system. Municipalities typically reduce discharge costs to drain if less water to drain is measured. In cities this could mean as much as $5.00 or more for every 1,000 gallons of water.
Plate type heat exchanger in cooling system
Cooling Tower / Fan Run Time Reduction
Clean deposits between fill so flow is more uniform and contact is more universal.
Clean tower troughs or tower pans which distribute water at top of tower so distribution is uniform to the fill below. Make sure that water is not running over the top or side or prematurely off troughs and that water is distributed throughout the total length of trough or pan.
Piping / Pumps-Possible Fan Or Pump Run Time Reduction
Clean filters on recirculation pumps/Keep system clean.
Chiller- Chiller Amp Draw Reduction
Keep chiller tubes clean-Deposits cause significant energy loss..
Brush or acid clean tubes if deposit is severe enough.
System – Replacement Savings From Corrosion Reduction
Fouled systems impede free water flow and cover areas where corrosion then occurs. Clean systems to prevent “under deposit” corrosion.
The nature of “deposits” may be of corrosion, mineral scale or micro biological growths.
Corrosion products are frequently misdiagnosed as a deposit. But a corrosion product is the result of reaction of the metal with the oxygen in the presence of water and other reactants present in water.
A deposit is any chemical compound that deposits directly on a surface, usually as a result of oversaturation of its solubility in the system.
A microbiological growth is generally a growth and accumulation of bacteria and/or fungus. It is frequently identified as being a slippery deposit.