Service at a Distance

Service at a Distance May Work for You!

In today’s world of computers, smartphones, and the Internet, RTA Water Treatment Service at a Distance can help you control your systems at a lower cost.  This savings might be as much 50%. Furthermore, in many areas of the United States, we supplement the virtual contacts with physical visits to the site.  Without sacrificing results, this combination of virtual and physical contacts can result in a low cost Chemical program.

Therefore, we keep in touch by email, phone, and by visual capabilities from a distance. RTA can be effectively right there in your mechanical room with you. So this can result in a much lower cost for your chemical program.

Contact us for an evaluation of your Systems and situation, and for a cost analysis of how you can save money and still have excellent results in your chemical program.

EXAMPLE -Service at a Distance

See pictures below of images from a smart phone that aided communication from a distance from service person on site to the office consultant.

Still Pictures from a smart phone of a condensate system

View 1-This is a shell and tube heat exchanger viewed from the front
View 1
view 2-This is a shell and tube heat exchanger viewed from one end
View 2
view 2- This is a Closeup of View 2
Closeup of view 2
Service at a distance-video example

The Video above from a smart phone shows many angle views of the equipment.



Live Views

By the use of FACE TIME, SKYPE, ZOOM, OR WHATEVER you prefer, the RTA service rep can be at your facility even better than when making an on-site visit.  You just call or email us to set up a time for looking at the problem together.  This is best done by appointment, but quick and spontaneous decisions to contact us can work also.  Usually this service can be more immediate because you don’t have to be concerned about us getting to your facility.  

So for “at a distance customers”, these modern tools can get us in your mechanical room without significant effort.

Describe Your Needs

  • An RTA service person will get back with you within 24 hours. Feel free to call our office at  269.729.4440 and leave message to call

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